
Hi! My name is Ashley and I am a manual wheelchair user with Cerebral Palsy.

When I was born, I was the youngest baby to survive at the time, weighing 13oz and nobody could tell I was a girl. My eyes were fused together, my ears were not developed, and my diaper was a cotton ball. Due to my extreme prematurity, I grew in a ‘dome’ and my skin was transparent. I have scars all over my body from where nurses and doctors barely touched my skin. I was ventilated for so long that the ventilator grew to the roof of my mouth and my family was told on several occasions that I would never walk, talk, or live a normal life like my peers. Despite all of that, my family did not give up and fought for my survival. Without them, I would not be where I am today.

I have always wanted to be a writer for as long as I could remember. I began writing books when I was around eight or nine years old out of construction paper and shoelaces. I also did all the illustrations myself, even though I could not draw very well!

When I started creating and writing stores, I knew that I wanted to be a writer in some sort when I grew up. When I got older and realized that I was different than my peers, my focus shifted from book writing to wanting to tell my story and help other people. I created this website with the mission of wanting to help people feel less alone as they navigate the uncertain world of disability by sharing my experiences with disability lifestyle and wheelchair travel through written communication.

Besides writing, I am a travel enthusiast. I love 80s and 90s rock bands and Prince, and my favorite pastime is theme parks, specifically, Disney World and cruises.

Despite doctors telling my family that I would never have a quality of life, I graduated high school with honors, I obtained my Associates degree in 2020 and am on the road to obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree. I am also a soon-to-be children’s book author.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. 🙂