Why I Decided to Blog
One of the most common questions children get asked as they are growing up is, ”what do you want to be when you grow up?” Some may say a doctor, others may say they want to Play next song be like their parents and do what they do, while the rest say something in between….
Flu Season and Disabilities: Being Mindful
I posted about this on Instagram as well as TikTok, but wanted to make a blog for those who don’t use social media. This Flu season, please let me be your reminder about why it’s so important to be mindful when sick around those with disabilities and those who are immune compromised. I ended COVID…
Pre-Cruise Must-Dos for People With Disabilities
Before I went on my first cruise in October of 2018 for my grandpa’s birthday, I had always wanted to go on a cruise to the Bahamas (which I visit multiple times a year now), but never knew if cruise ships were truly accessible. Now, they’re one of my favorite travel methods! If you have…
My Top 3 Airport Tips for People with Disabilities
I have been through so many airports throughout my life and have learned a lot due to trial and error. Today, I want to share my top 3 airport tips that have made my travels much smoother and less stressful. Let’s deep dive into it! Medical Equipment Flies Free Did you see the italic word…
How a Major Airline Damaged My Wheelchair
Disclaimer: This incident happened several years ago and was not recent. I felt as if my story was just as relevant (if not more) now than it was then. If I had to pick one transportation method that I love most it would be flying. I have lost count on how many flights I have…
Wheelchair Accessibility at Princess Cays, Bahamas
Besides writing and creating stories, traveling is my favorite activity. I’ve been all over the states but I’ve only had the opportunity to travel internationally a handful of times. Today, I’m going to be telling you all about my experience with accessibility at Princess Cays, Bahamas, which is Carnival Cruise Line’s private island in Eleuthera,…
My Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis and Mobility Aids
Since March was Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month and I am just now getting back into the swing of writing blog posts, I wanted to share something that I do not discuss very often and that is not only my Cerebral Palsy, but I also never discuss my different mobility aids besides my wheelchair. So, let’s…
Paisley Park: Free 2 Wheel
This blog has been in my drafts ever since the 23rd of April, and every time I wrote, I stopped. Three weeks ago on April 21st, my grandparents and I flew into St. Paul, Minneapolis to spend a few days in a small suburb, going to a place where that day, ‘fams’ were gathered to…
Visiting The Nashville Zoo as a Wheelchair User
Disclaimer: The Nashville Zoo at Grassmere gifted me three tickets in exchange for my coverage of their accessibility. It was a chilly, windy day when my family and I went to The Nashville Zoo last week. However, we threw on a jacket, grabbed a blanket, and were off to sightsee! We had been to the…
How Accessible is The Tennessee Aquarium?
Disclaimer: Tennessee Aquarium gifted me two media passes, and tickets to the IMAX Theatre in exchange for my coverage of their accessibility. Tennessee Aquarium Chattanooga is almost four hours from The Great Smokey Mountains in Gatlingburg, and it boasts two buildings, and its very own IMAX Theatre, which showcases amazing films about marine life. In…