I posted about this on Instagram as well as TikTok, but wanted to make a blog for those who don’t use social media.
This Flu season, please let me be your reminder about why it’s so important to be mindful when sick around those with disabilities and those who are immune compromised.
I ended COVID quarantine on December 30th after being symptom free after 5 days, went back to the doctor twice and tested negative for both flu A & B, got a little worse the next day so my PCP checked & said that she wasn’t concerned. She heard some ‘crackling’ but said it was from me being hungry. (New Year’s Day)
The next day, I had a chest xray after my grandmother pretty much demanded one due to me not getting better. Due to going to a small town doctor, I had to go to an outside provider, who because it was Friday, wouldn’t get the results back until Tuesday (January 7th)
The featured image is me hours before the second picture was taken.
January 4th, I became so weak that I even couldn’t transfer by myself when I usually have no problems. I then began to run a 101.9 fever, a heart rate of 124 and began to have shortness of breath.
After sitting in the ER and waiting 3 hours due to not being priority, I was diagnosed with a rebound case of COVID, FLU A, Covid pneumonia and bronchitis. I am currently recovering at home, but don’t feel any better.
Last time I was this sick was when I was a teenager.
Please, please, PLEASE remember that what could be a mild case of illness to you, could be life threatening or severe for someone else.